Ayurvedic treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome

Big Typhoons and Tsunamis leave their marks behind, always. The same happened with COVID-19, the Coronavirus. It has not gone. Perhaps in the time you are reading this and I wrote this- the Virus mutated some dozens of times and a new strain left scars. After COVID-19, the changes are quite visible in the medical world. The cases which were rare earlier are common now. It might be Avascular Necrosis or Guillian-Barre Syndrome- everything rare is common. The disease, the treatment, the medicine- everything is causing diseases (as side effects). Things are complicated. For complicated conditions, you need “wisdom” because science cannot solve the problems. We are here talking about the Ayurvedic Treatment for Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS).
Guillain Barre Syndrome is a neurological disorder that leads to muscle weakness, loss of balance and coordination. There is currently no cure for the disorder, but there are treatments that can help improve symptoms. Ayurveda is one such treatment, effective in treating Guillain Barre Syndrome.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that dates back over 5,000 years. The main focus of Ayurveda is to restore balance in the body by addressing the root cause of the illness. Ayurveda does this by using a variety of methods including herbal remedies, diet and lifestyle changes, and Panchakarma.
What is Guillain Barre Syndrome?
Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare condition in which the immune system attacks your nerves. The first indicators of Guillain-Barre syndrome are usually weakness and tingling in your extremities.
Following a virus, some people develop paralysis.
A lot of individuals diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome were later on confined to wheelchairs for months or years afterward.
The following are several signs and symptoms that you may experience: Paralysis can quickly spread from one part of your body to the rest, eventually paralyzing your whole body.
Although the precise cause of Guillain-Barre syndrome is unknown, two-thirds of patients experience symptoms of an infection in the six weeks prior to developing GBS. These include a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection or Zika virus.
Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is a rare and progressive neuromuscular disorder that makes walking, standing, and coordination difficult. The disorder damages the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain stem. GBS typically affects adults between 20-40 years old but can affect anyone at any age.
There is currently no cure for Guillain Barre Syndrome, but there are treatments that can help improve symptoms. Some of these treatments include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and medications to help relieve muscle spasms and pain.
What are the symptoms of GBS?
The symptoms of GBS can vary from person to person, but often include –
- muscle weakness,
- loss of balance and coordination,
- difficulty walking, and
- fatigue.
In some cases, people with GBS may also experience sensory disturbances such as tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, vision problems, or difficulty speaking.
Causes of GBS?
The causes of Guillain Barre Syndrome are not known. There are some cases when GBS happens due to an injury to the spine. But in most cases, it is related to another disorder or illness.
Some of these disorders include infectious diseases such as-
- Lyme disease, and
- Typhoid fever;
- Certain autoimmune disorders like systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus); and
- conditions that result in nerve compression like carpal tunnel syndrome.
How does Viruses Cause GBS?
In some cases, GBS is caused by a virus. The viruses that have been linked to GBS include- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), and cytomegalovirus (CMV). These viruses are common and can cause a variety of infections including glandular fever, roseola, and mononucleosis. Most people who are infected with one of these viruses do not go on to develop GBS. But it is still clear why some people do get the disorder.
Can Vaccines cause Guillain Barre Syndrome?
There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines can cause Guillain Barre Syndrome. However, there have been a few cases where GBS has developed after someone received a flu vaccine or other vaccine. Not sure why this happens to some people and not others.
What is Pathology of Guillain Barre Syndrome?
The pathology of Guillain Barre Syndrome is not fully clear. Science has its own limitations.
However, it is thought that the damage to the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain stem is what causes the symptoms of GBS.
This damage can be because of a virus, an autoimmune disorder, or another condition that results in nerve compression.
How to Diagnose Guillain Barre Syndrome
GBS can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms can vary from person to person. In most cases, GBS diagnosis is based on a combination of symptoms and tests. These tests may include a physical examination, blood tests, spinal tap (lumbar puncture), and electromyography (EMG).
Treatments for Guillain Barre Syndrome
There is no cure for Guillain Barre Syndrome, but there are treatments that can help improve symptoms. Some of these treatments include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and medications to help relieve muscle spasms and pain.
Other treatments may be prescribed based on the root cause of the disorder.
For example, if GBS occurs following an injury to the spine or another illness, then this treatment will address those factors. Ayurveda is fully effective in treating Guillain Barre Syndrome by addressing its root causes.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome
The main focus of Ayurveda is to restore balance in the body. Ayurveda is a natural medicine that has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments. It can help balance all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) which can restore the natural order of things in the body. The Ayurvedic approach may incorporate the use of herbs, diet therapy, massage, etc., depending on an individual’s constitution and symptoms
Ayurvedic Treatment: Know All about Ayurvedic Treatment
In GBS, the Vata dosha is usually out of balance. This can be due to a variety of factors such as stress, injury, or another illness. Ayurveda can help to restore balance in the body and help to improve symptoms
Ayurveda is effective in treating Guillain Barre Syndrome by addressing its root causes.
Some of the treatments that may be recommended include the use of herbs, diet therapy, Panchakarma, etc. depending on an individual’s constitution and symptoms. In GBS, the Vata dosha is usually out of balance. This can be due to a variety of factors such as stress, injury, or another illness. Ayurveda can help to restore balance in the body and help to improve symptoms
Ayurvedic Medicine for Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Ayurveda is a natural medicine in practice for thousands of years to treat various ailments. Many people who use these medications as part of their treatment claim relief from a variety of muscular or neurological disorders including GBS.
In addition, many people who use these medications as part of their treatment claim relief from a variety of muscular or neurological disorders including GBS. Ayurveda works by restoring balance in all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).
This is not just a statement, it is research-proven too.
Ayurvedic kriyā and Ayurvedic diagnosis is very important in terms of doṣa, sthāna (~status) and udgama (~etiology). Pittadharakāla-majjādharakāla relation and clinical understanding of basic concepts of guṇa in treatment of anukta vyādhi form the important bridge between modern diagnostic methods and Ayurvedic treatment of GBS.
This is a case study on Ayurvedic treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome is published.
Doshas involved in GBS?
In GBS, the Vata dosha is usually out of balance. This can be due to a variety of factors such as stress, injury, or another illness. Ayurveda can help to restore balance in the body and help to improve symptoms.
How does Vata Dosha cause GBS?
The Vata dosha is responsible for movement and sensation in the body. When it becomes out of balance, this can cause muscles to tense up and react quickly. This can result in tremors, muscle spasms, and other symptoms that are characteristic of GBS.
Ayurvedic Therapy of Basti can also help in Ayurvedic treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome. These therapies involve the use of medicated oils, ghee, and herbal decoctions. That are injected into the rectum or lower bowel. This is done once a week for 15 to 20 minutes in order to infuse these medicines into the lower bowel. The point of this treatment is to target the Vata dosha that has become unbalanced in GBS patients
In addition, many people who use these medications as part of their treatment claim relief from a variety of muscular or neurological disorders including GBS. Ayurveda works by restoring balance in all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha)
What are the benefits of Ayurvedic treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome?
There are many benefits to using Ayurveda for treating Guillain Barre Syndrome. For one, the Vata dosha is responsible for movement and sensation in the body. When it becomes out of balance, this can cause muscles to tense up and react quickly. This can result in tremors, muscle spasms, and other symptoms that are characteristic of GBS. Ayurveda works by restoring balance in all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). In addition, many people who use these medications as part of their treatment claim relief from a variety of muscular or neurological disorders including GBS
If you are looking for an effective and holistic approach to treatment, Ayurveda may be the right choice for you. Ayurveda can help to restore balance in the body and improve symptoms of GBS. Contact an Ayurvedic practitioner to discuss how this ancient system of medicine can help you achieve better health.