
Shallaki_ Boswellia

Either you have swollen joints or you have some other inflammatory diseases even inflammatory bowel disorder and bronchitis- Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) is a drug of choice for all these conditions. Shallaki is a common drug of choice in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis so it works the best in a condition where these two are together. Shallaki is a Herbal Analgesic and is also helpful in muscular spasms and other muscular pains.

Shallaki is thought to be similar to the Guggulu but there is a basic difference between Shallaki and Guggulu- Guggulu works on neural pain and other neural pains and Shallaki is the drug of choice where the cause of pain lies with the muscles.

English Name:- benzoin, Indian Olibanum.

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Shallaki

Rasa Guna ViryaVipaka
Tikta, Madhur, KashayaLaghu, RukshaSheeta Katu
  • It useful in disorder caused by kaphapitta.
  • Paste of it is applied in rheumatoid arthritis and cervical spondylitis
  • Paste is also used in chronic ulcers.
  • It is also used in eye diseases. It is used by mixing with honey.
  • It is an appetizer and digestive, therefore useful in bad breath.
  • This  is beneficial in Loss of appetite, diarrhea and  Dysentery and Ulcerative Colitis.
  • It is used in chronic cough in the form of smoking.
  • This restore and maintain the colour of stool due to its action on pitta.
  • This also useful in gonorrhea and sexual weakness.
  • It fortifies all the system of the body.
  • It gum resin have special effect of analgesic and sedative so it is used in all types of joint disorders- Ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Best Recommended Uses
Shallaki is the best Ayurveda herb to alleviate inflammation and relieve spasms. So it is recommended in conditions of inflammation and spasm like inflammatory bowel disease, bronchitis, osteoarthritis, Low backache, stiffness and spasm in muscles etc. 
Doses and Useful Parts
Exudates resin is the useful part.
The preferred dosages of the Shallaki resin are two capsules twice to thrice in a day as per the advised dosage

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