Rebel of a Cell…

Rebel of a cell

We all are the clusters of the trillions of the cells and truly speaking we are nothing more than an amoeba. Difference in amoeba and us is very simple. A single cell makes amoeba and trillions of amoeba together have made us. This is the simplest way to understand the body and evolution. As human being learnt to stay in harmony with the animals and with other conditions.

In the same way these trillions of amoeba have learnt to live together, work together. These evolved to share the common activities and common work with a common purpose! This is an approach only; donโ€™t compare it with Lamarck or Darwin! Some of these amoebae work for nervous system and some others are aimed to digest the food for rest. Some of these carry nutrition from one place to another. Overall this is like a working co-operation where everybody is working for the same cause- Life and Livingness.

Intelligence of Cells

In these thousands of years, these all cells have learnt to live together and this makes these cells the best learners. These cells have work coordination and have an approach to go for the best possibilities; this is all because of the psychological powers in these cells. This psychology of the cells is un-manifested. This manifests as a complete package a sum up of the psychology of the different cells. This makes body more intelligent and more practical. Because in case of body- trillions of cells are thinking together and thinking for the same cause/purpose.

But most of the times we heard a group of cells alone. The group we know as Nervous System. These cells of nervous system are never able to decide by themselves. Because these cells work according to the memory, past experiences and things we have taught to these cells. But intelligence of rest of the cells is different. This is their own intelligence (of the cells) and this is their planning for the survival and that too survival in the adverse conditions. This is what we call the natural capacity of the cells to live. This โ€œnatural intelligenceโ€ of the cells is the Healing Power of the body.

Working in Harmony

Whenever there will be some problems with a system of particular number of cells or even with a single cell. This message reaches to rest of the cells and whole system comes on an alert and body starts doing everything possible to repair the condition.

For example- in case of infection of few cells, the whole body starts doing efforts to fight against the infectious external cells. WBCs which are capable of fighting and engulfing these bacteria are activated and directed to the place where infection is and body is made on High Alert. Supply from the infectious part is reduced by body herself so that the infecting organisms won’t spread in other body parts, temperature of the body is increased by increasing the metabolism- this rise in temperature is like preparing the battle ground according to own soldiers.

The mistakes behind Rebel

What we do, in this case of body activities?

We give medicine to reduce the temperature, because we never regard the self defense mechanism of these cells. We believe on group of cells which work according to the memories, data and learning and start taking Anti-pyretic Medicines. But We donโ€™t like swelling and inflammations so we have the Anti-Inflammatory Drugs with us. No matter what body requires. We require- good presence, good looks and no pains and no sufferings- it never matters how much we make the cells suffer- who always work for us are always dedicated for the wellness and life of ours?

A cell is suffering and it gives signals of pain and we make it โ€œquiteโ€ and ask to โ€œquitโ€ by giving a small pill- are we not suppressing the natural capability of the cell? What do we wish- do we want to see paralyzed cells? We are against our friends and we have lost our capabilities to think and differentiate in between the friend and foe.

What will happen, when you will suppress these natural capabilities of the cells again and again? Will conditions be normal?

No, never, not at all!

Rebel for Survival

Cells have a capacity to rebel. Cells rebel against our attitude. These tell us that they are also capable of doing, what we all do with the cells. These cells first give signs and a symptom of the irritation. Which we know as prodromal signs and symptoms in Ayurveda and alert us for the next coming dangers and conditions. If we donโ€™t understand this thing these cells decides to rebel against us and lead us to an irreversible conditions. These might be very simple conditions and might be very critical conditions.

Think- few cells of the Pancreas stop producing the insulin and it leads you to Diabetes. This becomes an irreversible condition, even you diagnose it on the very early stage. You can understand what happens in this condition! Just a group of cells rebel and leave you with a disease. Diseases which are almost incurable. This story never ends here- rest of the cells also become affected by the absence of insulin. This is a condition of Diabetes Mellitus- type I.  In other condition- all body cells stop responding to the insulin produced by pancreas. Here again who is on loss- the whole corporation! But you start looking for the cause of these diseases in your genes. And you forget that these are habits of yours who compelled the cells for this rebel!

Until, unless this was a romance in between cells and body activities. It goes well and as soon this become a rivalry. It ruines the system of the body and left you with no choice.

Rebel of A Single Cell

There is one more disease in which something more deadly happens due to a cell or group of few cells. A cell was replicating and all of sudden- a mistake occurred. Script for this mistake was written by you years back, by your habits. Because of all these causes cell was undergoing the stress. This stress caused a mistake or this cell rebelled against the stress of years and it replicated in a wrong way. The daughter cells and this cell never stopped replicating and that too on a high speed. This is what we call Cancer and we are known to most of the bad elements which are carcinogenic but we cannot make it possible to stop the use of these carcinogenic totally. We do mistakes by ourselves and blame the genes and body for the diseases.

We blame these cells again and again for diseases and problems, but how many times we have praised the struggle of these cells to make us living? How many times we underlined the basic requirements of our cells, how many times we thought for the welfare of our cells and body?

Every time we think that body should follow us, our thoughts and our requirements? This is the reason we are looking for different ways of healing and healing is away from us nowadays. Healing is a process. This process initiates as well as completes by the cells. But we disregard the cells and it makes our mission and approach incomplete for this.

Ayurveda and Cellular Level Health

Ayurveda has described the concept well and this is regard of the cells that Ayurveda works on the Bio-Constitution (the Prakruti according to the Doshas). The diets, lifestyle and everything should be according to the nature of the body and this is the reason Ayurveda has detailed the diet and lifestyle more than any stream concerned with the health. Ayurvedic Diet is always according to the constitution and nature of the cells; this is the reason Ayurvedic Diet works not only for the prevention of the diseases but also increases the healing capacities of the body. We need to apply the Diet and lifestyle guidelines on ourselves, this is the only way to stay healthy, and otherwise the complete health will remain a dream for all of us.

So it is better to work with the cells of the body and according to the cells of the body, before these cells rebel against the system and next time you are doing something- which you know is bad for you- think how much you get irritated when someone does the same work against you โ€“ again and again! You will be irritated and certainly one day will come when you will rebel against the system. Rebellion is a good thing, when it comes against bad things and conditions but when it happens against oneself, against the own system- it leads to the problems and it is something like suicide only. In terms of health- this is the basic and realistic truth that by doing against the body and cells we have developed enmity in our cells for our bodies! If we wonโ€™t listen our body, it will be hard for us to cop up with the ourselves. The best way to become natural in terms of health is to be Natural!

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