Foods That Complicate Asthma

In order to discuss the effect of food on asthma, it is important to understand what causes Asthma. The word “asthma” comes from a Greek term meaning “without breath.” It refers to difficulty breathing. Asthma can trigger by common allergies such as dust mites or pet hair, smoke inhalation, cold air, exercise, or pollen in the air that irritates the bronchial tubes. Bronchial are tubes that carry gas into your lungs. Since foods affect our respiratory system just like any other stimulus mentioned above – they too may trigger an attack.

If you suffer from severe asthma attacks often triggers are not specific but rather situational; changing seasons for instance can cause more problems with wheezing and coughing because of changes in temperature and humidity. Here we are discussing the foods which can potentially aggravate the condition of Asthma.

Foods that aggravate Asthma?

The following food items trigger asthma symptoms in most people. When we plan the Ayurvedic treatment of Asthma, your diet is that much important.

Citrus Fruits in Asthma

Citrus fruit allergies are very common and may contribute to asthma in some people. These fruits produce an oxidizing agent called oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is a major allergen that can aggravate the lungs of those with citrus allergies. Orange juice itself does not usually cause problems for asthmatics but other citrus foods (like lemons or grapefruit) often do. In addition, ascorbic acid – vitamin C found in orange juices – worsens symptoms of chronic respiratory diseases like bronchitis and pneumonia. Because it produces increased amounts of nitric oxide gas from within white blood cells. This compound is also a pollutant, which automobiles produce.

Bananas in Asthma

Bananas are a good source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B-12. But bananas can also cause asthma symptoms. Because they contain the enzyme bromelain. This Bromelain causes bronchial reactivity when taken orally or injected into animals with respiratory problems. It’s worth mentioning that cooking does not diminish this effect and it is probably best for individuals sensitive to banana allergies (or those who have Asthma) to avoid eating raw slices or drinking fresh juice made from them.

But before stopping these food items, make sure that you have Asthma. Because it is not asthma always, where we jump to a conclusion.

Celery in Asthma?

Some people with asthma also develop allergies to celery; this is most likely due to its association with carrots which contain substances known as psoralens, which trigger allergic reactions like hives when eaten regularly. It’s worth mentioning that these same chemicals can sometimes cause bronchial constriction (a tightening up of your airways), though how sensitive you vary from person to person depending on your specific allergy.

Eggs in Asthma?

Some people with asthma may also be sensitive to eggs or egg proteins, though the severity of reactions varies from person to person and again it’s not always clear what is causing these symptoms (the eggs themselves or another protein source). Most asthmatics can eat a couple of bites without any trouble but others will have an extreme reaction after only one bite; for those who are more reactive, they’ll need to substitute soy-based products which contain similar amounts of high-quality protein.

Know all about Asthma.

Peanut Butter in Asthma?

It has been shown that peanut allergies often increase the risk of developing asthma – much like mangoes. Because both trigger higher levels of IgE antibodies which cause anaphylactic reactions.

Milk in Asthma?

Some people with asthma may also be sensitive to milk or dairy proteins, though again it’s not always clear what is causing these symptoms (the milk itself or another protein source). Most asthmatics can drink a couple of glasses without any trouble but others will have an extreme reaction after only one glass; for those who are more reactive, they’ll need to substitute soy-based products which contain similar amounts of high-quality protein.

Fish in Asthma?

It has been shown that fish allergies often increase the risk for developing asthma – much like mangoes and peanut butter mentioned earlier because both trigger higher levels of IgE antibodies which cause anaphylactic reactions.

Carbonated drinks in Asthma?

Some people with asthma will also have a sensitivity to carbonated beverages. This is due to the rapid expansion of gas bubbles in your stomach, which can cause an increase in air and subsequently more liquid being pulled into the lungs; this may lead to symptoms like coughing or shortness of breath.

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