

Manjishtha: Rubia cordifolia also known as Indian madder; is one of the best blood purifier Ayurveda herbs.                                                                                                           

As Manjishtha purifies the blood it is useful in all blood originating diseases like skin diseases, bleeding tendencies etc. It improves complexion of skin, improves quality of voice and improves functioning of liver. It also corrects the functioning of the whole urinary system and prevents kidney stones. 

Manjishtha is a drug of choice in case of Gouty Arthritis and other metabolic disorders. 

Effect on Doshas: –

Manjishtha paccifies–  Kapha and Pitta Doshas

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Manjistha

Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka
Madhura, Tikta, Kashaya GuruUshna (Hot) Katu
  • This is anti-inflammatory. It heals wounds and helps in skin disorders. 
  • Paste is applied on inflammation, ulcers and skin disorders.
  • It is good appetizer and has good digestive capacity.
  • It has astringent property that reduces motility and anthelmintic. Therefore used in diarrhoea, dysentery associated with bleeding and different helminthes. 
  • This stimulates uterus. It increases flow and it purifies breast milk. It is used to purifies the uterus and breast milk after delivery. 
  • It removes the renal stone.
  • It is used in fever, especially chronic pyrexia and fever after delivery.
  • This is beneficial in different skin disorders related with pigmentation, weakness, general debility and poisoning.
  • This used in skin diseases like leprosy, erysipelas, vitiligo and hypopigmentation. In these conditions Manjistha is given in honey. 
Best Recommended Uses
Root powder should be taken in routine for a healthy and glowing skin. Manjishtha paste is applied to the brown spots of fungal skin diseases specially pityriasis vesicolor. This is a drug of choice for Goutty Arthritis.
Doses and Useful Parts
Powder of roots is taken in dose of 2-4 gm while the dose for decoction of roots is 50-100ml.

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