

Kantakari; Solanum xanthocarpum– is a drug of choice for the conditions like bronchitis because it dilutes the mucus (Kapha) and relaxes the air passages of the lungs (Vata) at a same time.

So use of Kantakari in above conditions never just pacifies the problem but also remove all the root cause of the problem.  For deworming of your baby and Kantakari can be used regularly as a natural way for deworming. 
English Name:- Wild egg plant.

Effect on Doshas:

Kapha Vata Pacifying due to ushna veerya. 

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Kantakari

RasaGunaVirya Vipaka
Tikta, katuLaghu, RukshaUshnaKatu
  • It is analgesic, anti-inflammatory and has antibacterial properties. Therefore its fumes are inhaled in dental caries, dental pain and piles.
  • Kantkari is used a neurological disorders like epilepsy and convulsions as a stimulant due to its irritant property.
  • This is being katu, tikta and ushna, it can be used as a appetizer and carminative.
  • It irritant nature helps in purgation and in dewormification.
  • It act as a cardiac stimulant therefore is used in all types of cardiac disorders.
  • This posses blood purifier and anti-inflammatory property so it used in blood disorders and inflammation. This makes it helpful in inflammatory conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease.
  • It is the drug of choice on cough. It helps in Vataj type of cough. It helps as an expectorant and demulcent.
  • It has diuretic property helps in renal calculi and dysuria.
  • It being ushna (hot) in nature, it increases perspiration.
  • This is useful in many skin disorders. 
Best Recommended Uses
Kantakari is a rejuvenating Ayurveda herb for the respiratory system. It liquefies the deposited mucus and helps in its comfortable expulsion from the respiratory system.
Doses and Useful Parts
Parts used:- Panchang (whole plant) of the Kantakari is used.
Dosages:- Powder -1-2 gm.   

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