Allopathy suppresses the condition of SLE and Ayurvedic treatment, treats it.

As a clinician, I always make this comment. And this is honest comment. Because in case of SLE, modern medicine doesn’t have an option to operate and replace. And where surgical options are not available, machines cannot do anything. Therefore, machine based medicines has limited things to do.

On the other hand, because Ayurveda works on cause and effect theory. Therefore Ayurveda is promising in giving best results. When it comes to Ayurvedic treatment of SLE, there are few things which we need to understand. And here are these-

These are the questions, everybody wants to know. And these are questions are answered here by Vaidya Pardeep Sharma one by one. So here we go

What is SLE?

Systemic lupus erythematosus is complete name of SLE. SLE is Lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune condition. Cells mistakenly kills cells from every system. Cells from every system are on stake in this condition. In some cases lupus just seems like a disease of skin, where butterfly rashes will appear on the skin. In some other cases it directly impairs working of the kidney and raises the creatinine.

From whichever system, SLE starts. It keeps on manifesting on all the systems. And later or sooner it impacts joints, bones and muscles all together. The most common symptoms of the Lupus are-

  • Swelling in Joints
  • Pain in all joints.
  • Fever.
  • Pain in chest.
  • Hair Loss.
  • Stomatitis (mouth ulcers).
  • swelling in lymph nodes,
  • Feeling of tiredness,
  • Rash on cheeks and nose which spread like a butterfly.

These are the earliest signs and symptoms of this disease. Not necessarily all the symptoms will appear all together. The manifestation of disease varies from patient to patient. Therefore for diagnosis of the condition, you need to consult your doctor.

In some cases, earliest signs relate to joints only. And because SLE is from family of rheumatoid arthritis, thus it takes time for the diagnosis of condition.

How does SLE/Lupus impacts the human body?

SLE is an autoimmune condition. Like all other autoimmune diseases, in lupus cells from immune system starts killing the healthy cells from different systems.

There is no known cause for SLE with modern medicines. It is believed that genes, environmental factors and much more come together and these lead to productions of antinuclear antibodies (ANA).

These ANA starts attacking the proteins in the nucleus of cells and immediately cause SLE. The manifestation of SLE is result of two steps which makes this condition a bit complicated-

  1. Death of cells
    This happens on a high pace. Because immune system keeps on killing the cells.
  2. Inability to Clear Dead Cells
    On one side, immune system keeps on killing the cells on high pace. And on other hand the system cannot clear the dead cells immediately.

These two things when happens together, this complicates the whole thing with SLE. So when it comes to treatment, this condition should be addressed properly.

What are the types of Lupus?

Lupus is of two types according to the manifestation of the disease.

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 
    This type is generally used as a synonym of lupus. As name suggests this is a condition where whole system gets affected. This is a wide spread condition of lupus. This condition affects persons between the age of 15 to 45 years.
  • Discoid Lupus Erythematosus 
    This is like a skin disease. Raised red rashes appear on face and scalp. These raised rash become thick with time. And just like psoriasis these scar become scally too. These rashes keeps on coming and going with the time. These can disappear for years and can come back again. Only few percent of these patients turn into the systemic lupus.

In simple words this condition can be termed as- external and internal too. The same classification Ayurveda follows, we will discuss it here.

What are the symptoms of SLE?

There are few things with Lupus, which makes it complicated to diagnose-

  1. Because SLE mimic many other conditions.
    • In case of discoid type, for long time it seems that this is some skin disease.
    • And when it is systemic type of lupus, it mimics with conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  2. There is no pattern of the signs and symptoms of this condition.
  3. In every patient pattern of Lupus will be different.
  4. SLE cannot be diagnosed finally with only one test.

So without a complete diagnosis by a doctor along with all the reports. Here are the symptoms of SLE according to different systems-

Symptoms of SLE on Skin

  • Skin rashes are the most common symptoms.
  • Rashes appear in almost 70% patients of SLE.
  • IN 30-60% of patients of lupus- butterfly rash appear on the face of the patient- which is known as Malar Rash.

Muscles and Joints and SLE

  • Joint pain is most common feature of the SLE.
  • Stiffness in body.
  • Pain in muscles.
  • Avascular Necrosis as a sequelae of SLE can appear and destroy the joints.
  • Anaemia is the most common condition in SLE
  • Low platelet count
  • Low count of white blood cells
  • Problem with clotting of blood

SLE on Cardiac and Lungs

  • Pericarditis-inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
  • Atherosclerosis
  • SLE can damage the valves.
  • Inflammation of the pleura -pleurisy.
  • Interstitial lung disease

Impact of SLE in Kidney

  • Blood in urine
  • Getting protein in urine
  • Lupus nephritis.
  • The nephritis leads to acute or end-stage kidney failure.

Psychological disturbances in SLE

SLE can induce certain psychological disturbances, and these include-

  • Cognitive dysfunction, 
  • Mood disorder, 
  • Psychosis
  • Cerebrovascular disease,
  • Seizures, 
  • Polyneuropathy,
  • Anxiety disorder, 
  • Depression

So Lupus is more than just a disease. This is a cluster of diseases or conditions. This is the reason, lupus needs immediate attention.

Does Ayurveda talk about any condition like Lupus?

Ayurveda recognises the conditions which come under the category of autoimmune condition. But when it comes to SLE or Lupus, Ayurveda has detailed this condition properly.

If we look at the disease, we need to find three things, so that we can find the idea of reversal of the disease. This is the only way to understand the whole line of treatment and the disease. Here are the things-

  1. A disease which occurs externally and internally.
  2. The condition where inflammation of the blood vessels occur.
  3. A state which looks like skin problem sometimes and impacts the joints and every system of body at the same time.

And there is a detailed condition mentioned under one syndrome, Vatarakta.

उत्तानमथ गम्भीरं द्विविधं तत् प्रचक्षते | त्वङ्मांसाश्रयमुत्तानं गम्भीरं त्वन्तराश्रयम् ||१९||

Charaka Samhita

Vatarakta is a condition which occurs both internally as well as externally. The condition which is based in skin and flesh is external (Uttan) and where it impacts deeper level of dhatus it is – internal (gambhir).

It depends on a scholar of Ayurveda how does he look at the text. And what is his/her understanding about the disease. So it is better to consult your physician about the treatment possibilities.

What is take of Ayurveda on SLE?

सौक्ष्म्यात् सर्वसरत्वाच्च पवनस्यासृजस्तथा | तद्द्रवत्वात् सरत्वाच्च देहं गच्छन् सिरायनैः ||
पर्वस्वभिहतं क्षुब्धं वक्रत्वादवतिष्ठते | स्थितं पित्तादिसंसृष्टं तास्ताः सृजति वेदनाः ||
करोति दुःखं तेष्वेव तस्मात् प्रायेण सन्धिषु | भवन्ति वेदनास्तास्ता अत्यर्थं दुःसहा नृणाम् ||

Charak Samhita

Vata is subtle and it spreads to all channels quickly. Blood is liquid and free flowing in nature. The blood reaches to the rest of the body through blood vessels. In smaller blood arteries on the terminal ends like joints and skin this impacts the skin and joints.
It causes severe pain, change in sensation and this pain is intolerable.

Charak Samhita

For western medicines, this condition is incurable, completely. But prognosis criteria for Ayurveda is a bit different in case of SLE.

एकदोषानुगं साध्यं नवं, याप्यं द्विदोषजम् | त्रिदोषजमसाध्यं स्याद्यस्य च स्युरुपद्रवाः ||

  • New case , with early detection where single dosha is involved – this condition is treatable.
  • In cases where two doshas involve is just managabale through medicines.
  • Chronic cases, with involvement of all three doshas is – incurable.

So in nutshell, a case with early diagnosis can help the patient to get better.

Coming to the details about cause of the problem like SLE, Ayurveda has clearer view. Where modern medicine is not sure about the root cause of the problem. Ayurveda documents it, clearly.

How long does Ayurveda take to treat condition of SLE?

स्वेदोऽत्यर्थं न वा कार्ष्ण्यं स्पर्शाज्ञत्वं क्षतेऽतिरुक् | सन्धिशैथिल्यमालस्यं सदनं पिडकोद्गमः ||१६||जानुजङ्घोरुकट्यंसहस्तपादाङ्गसन्धिषु | निस्तोदः स्फुरणं भेदो गुरुत्वं सुप्तिरेव च ||१७||
कण्डूः सन्धिषु रुग्भूत्वा भूत्वा नश्यति चासकृत् | वैवर्ण्यं मण्डलोत्पत्तिर्वातासृक्पूर्वलक्षणम् ||१८||

Charak details about the general signs and symptoms of the SLE. Here are these-

  • Disturbance with sweating: Either excessive or lesser sweating.
  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Loss of sensation in skin (Neuropathy due to SLE)
  • Hypersensitivity incase of injury on the skin.
  • Weakness in joints.
  • Laziness/ Fever like symptoms
  • Malaise
  • Boils on the skin
  • Pain in the Knee, Hip Joint
  • Pain in joints of arm and hand
  • Pricking sensation
  • Muscles twitching
  • Heaviness in the body
  • Paresthesia
  • Itching
  • Pain in joints
  • Decay of the joints
  • Appearance of disc like structures on the skin

Perhaps this is the most extensive detail about a condition like SLE. Charak Samhita also explains the different types of internal and external types of this condition. And also classifies the disease according to the involvement of the doshas too.

What is Ayurvedic Treatment for SLE?

The Ayurvedic treatment for SLE is according to the following criterias-

  1. Chronicity of the disease
  2. Involvement of the Doshas – Vata/Pitta and Kapha types.
  3. According to the external and internal traits of the disease.

The Ayurvedic text gives an overview of the treatment in line of treatment. And in case of SLE the command from master is-

विरेच्यः स्नेहयित्वाऽऽदौ स्नेहयुक्तैर्विरेचनैः | रूक्षैर्वा मृदुभिः शस्तमसकृद्वस्तिकर्म च ||४१||सेकाभ्यङ्गप्रदेहान्नस्नेहाः प्रायोऽविदाहिनः | वातरक्ते प्रशस्यन्त … |४२|

  • Virechana: The induced purgation
    • Sneha Virechana: The purgation which is oil based
    • Ruksha Virechana: the virechana which increases the dryness in the body.
  • Basti Treatment: Selection of the basti according to the involvement of the doshas.
  • Seka: the pouring of milk-decoctions or other medicated liquids over the skin.
  • Pradeha: Application of the medicines over the skin.

Now many might amuse this is the treatment. But not really. Ayurvedic Treatment for SLE goes according to these steps. And your Vaidya can really choose one of these or many of these treatments for the success.

Ayurvedic Treatment for SLE can help you. You can not only get rid of the complications of SLE but also can lead a normal life without steroids.

Points of Ayurvedic Treatment for SLE

Here are few points, to clear you that how does Sukhayu Ayurved, treats the condition of the SLE like complex condition.

Immunomodulation for SLE

When we hear about immunity related problems. The only word come in mind is- “INCREASE the IMMUNITY”. But it is never true with autoimmune conditions.

In Spite of modulation of immunity, western medicines think about “paralysing” the immune system by using immunosuppressants. This is not also the way to deal with the condition. Because immunity is an important factor and it should work in modulation.

Immunity is increased in one sense. This is the reason, why immune system is hyperactive. Therefore we need to modulate the immunity. Ayurveda has tools for this and the same approach is used for Ayurvedic treatment of SLE.

Treating the Cause not the Impact

Modern science also believes in nullifying the cause. But when it comes to conditions like SLE. Western medicine people are clueless about the cause of the problem. Therefore the treatment is also clueless.

But as far as Ayurved is concerned, Ayurved has detailed list of the causes of the problem. Therefore treatment is pointed.

Handling the complications

SLE is a disease with many complications. Hence, it becomes important to address the complications in this condition.

Many patients just want to know-

Is SLE curable with Ayurveda treatment?

And my answer is always a bit tricky. Yes, SLE is treatable through Ayurveda treatment. Not curable. Curable means that we will be able to remove the traces of the disease from the system.

Through Ayurveda treatment, without using any immunosuppressants, it is easy to control anti nuclear antibodies and their impact on the human body.

Why do you need to choose Ayurveda for treatment of SLE

The basic answer for this question is simple-

Allopathy doesn’t have any treatment for SLE.

But this cannot and shouldn’t be a reason for selection of some pathy. Because in the same term, Ayurveda also lags behind in surgery. There are few basic reasons that why should you need to opt Ayurveda for treatment of SLE. Here are the reasons-

Safe and Natural Treatment for Lupus

The western medicines just have only approach for SLE and that is to just suppress the immune system. And steroids are the only solutions for this. We all know about the side effects of the steroids but it goes like “something is better than nothing”.

Ayurveda doesn’t have this approach. The treatment guidelines for a physician are very strong and Charak guides to a physician that treatment should not cause any other disease. That is applicable to the treatment of SLE too.

You can avoid all risks of SLE

As we all know, SLE is a complex condition and every system is on stake. So the most important thing in SLE is to make sure that we avoid all the complications of the disease.

Because SLE can cause all possible complications to the human body and above all the medicines which are commonly used in western medicines doesn’t treat the disease. These medicines only bring more and more risks to the health of a patient.


Because of the complexity of the disease and associated risks, it is never advisable to go for buying medicines without proper details of the patient.

You need to Consult with Vaidya Dr. Pardeep and Dr. Neetu before any medicines or starting the treatment. The best thing is that we at Sukhayu Ayurved offer online consultation, which is available through – a video consultation. By doing so our Vaidyas can better understand your condition and you can get proper advice.

After first consultation you can start treatment with medicines too. And according to your ease, you can start the Panchakarma treatment, later.

Because SLE is something which can lead you to many other problems of the health. Thus you should not avoid this condition at any cost. Don’t just go for the management of this disease with steroids and all other medicines. You should look for the best treatment for SLE if not the cure!

Ayurveda treatment for SLE
Service Type
Ayurveda treatment for SLE
Provider Name
Sukhayu Ayurved,
Sukhayu Ayurved Hospital 1320, Omaxe City,Phase-II, Ajmer Road ,Jaipur, Rajasthan-302026,
Telephone No.9050802060
Sukhayu Ayurved provides the complete treatment for SLE and helps the patients to lead normal life.

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