How Ayurveda Supports Parkinsonโ€™s Disease Management Naturally

Ayurvedic Cure for Parkinson

Understanding Parkinsonโ€™s Disease

A degenerative condition, progressive, neurological disorder with tremors, rigidity, slow movements (bradykinesia), and postural instability is Parkinson’s Disease. The degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain, which are located in substantia nigra, causes this condition. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which build connections between two neurons. And because of the absence of dopamine- the connection between two neurons weakens and it impacts the smooth and coordinated muscle movements. With chronicity, the level of the dopamine reduces that translates into more complications and deterioration of motor functions. Which translates in disability.

With conventional system of medicines dosages of medicines keeps on increasing on one side and on other side- symptoms keep on complicating with time. Contrary to that, Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease is more promising in terms of assurance of quality of life. Let’s have a look…..

The Need for a Holistic Approach in Parkinsonโ€™s Management

Once Parkinson’s is diagnosed, conventional system physicians put patients on dopamine replacement therapy. The external supply of dopamine with medicines like levodopa and carbidopa helps in controlling the symptoms. But this doesn’t address the root cause of the condition. The degenerative changes in the brain and progression of the disease. As long as the medicines remains in blood supply, these help with the symptoms. But over time, these medicines stop responding and patient starts feeling motor complications as well as cognitive issues.

Here, holistic approach of ayurveda plays an important role in- improvement of brain health, ensuring in quality of life and certainly slowing down neurodegeneration. Because Ayurveda doesn’t just suppress the symptoms. Focus on Ayurveda is reversal of pathology, optimization of neurochemical balance and initiates cellular repair mechanism.

Ayurvedaโ€™s Perspective on Neurodegeneration

Vata controls the neurological activities. When Vata underplays, it leads to the diminished activities of nervous system. And generally it is translated that Vata is aggravated. But not really, in case of Parkinson’s disease.

Brain is located in the area of Kapha, the upper body. Therefore, it is important to balance the Kapha. When Kapha diminishes, it leads to problem to the structural and morphological decay. This leads in the interference in the activities of Vata dosha. Therefore problems of coordination, control on muscles and motor depletion appear. This condition appear in many conditions like- Cerebellar Atrophy, Cerebellar ataxia and even in Parkinson’s disease. And misdiagnose is a common thing in all these conditions in primary stage.

Not only this, when Pitta is too aggravated and autoimmunity impacts on the nervous system, it can also lead to all these conditions as well as multiple sclerosis and also in autoimmune caused Parkinson’s disease (early age onset of PD).

So this is all about all three doshas. Not a single one. And this is the skill of a physician who decides and decodes the problem and its cause. And once we can mark the root cause, we can ensure comprehensive neuroprotective strategies that ensures symptomatic relief and also can reverse it too.

Wisdom With Science: Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

Ayurveda integrates a systematic and multi-dimensional approach to Parkinsonโ€™s care, emphasizing:

  • Strengthening the nervous system: Nourishing the depleted Kapha through Rasayana and by supporting the system of the body so that nourishing of the brain tissue.
  • Restoring balance in the Doshas: Any systemic disease is not alone local, it is systemic. Therefore it is important to address the oxidative stress from the system. This ensures proper recovery .
  • Improving digestion and metabolism: Agni is the core concept of the Ayurveda treatment and it is important to work on the Gut-Brain axis for the success of the treatment of parkinson’s disease.
  • Improving quality of life: The most important is to “add life in your years”.

Scientific Correlation Between Ayurveda & Modern Neurology

New age development in research on neurodegenerative diseases are validating Ayurvedic principles. Studies suggest that chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are main reason behind the Parkinson’s Disease. Secondly, conventional medicines is also agreeing upon that levodopa and these medicines are not working properly and need a revisit.

There are few points where ayurvedic approaches of treatment align with modern findings by focusing on:

  • Rasayana are well know to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. This is the correct way to slow neuronal damage.
  • Panchakarma along with proper use of the Rasayana which helps in supporting mitochondrial function. This helps in better energy production in brain cells and help in controlling the decay of the brain tissue.

A Patient-Centric Approach to Parkinsonโ€™s Care

Functional and independent life assurance is the main objective of Sukhayu Ayurved. The treatment protocols are based on-

  • Individual symptoms
  • Individual pathology
  • Disease progression
  • Imbalance of the doshas.

These are the points which we consider in every case and every treatment is planned according to these points only. The treatment is aimed on- managing symptoms, restoration of the mobility, improving non-motor symptoms and cognitive skills.

Simple and generic treatments like using- some herbs like- ashwagandha, krauncha and brahmi etc or panchakarma like- abhyanga, shirodhara- are not helpful in parkinson’s disease. Instead, Parkinson’s Ayurveda treatment involves customized strategies that prioritize long-term neurological stability and quality of life. At Sukhayu Ayurved, we work hand in hand with conventional approaches. It allows patients to experience a more holistic recovery.

The Future of Integrative Parkinsonโ€™s Care

Modern medicine is struggling to ensure quality of life to the patients of Parkinson’s disease. Procedures like DUB are also not possible to give full assurance to patients of PD. Doctors keep on telling always- keep taking medicines. The moment we club Ayurvedic treatment with conventional medicines, it provide a promising direction for slowing disease progression and improving patient outcomes. We never stop any conventional medicines and have seen recovery of the patient.

At Sukhayu Ayurved, our mission is to bridge the gap between traditional wisdom and modern neurological knowledge. To ensure the- scientific precision combined with holistic healing.

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