Home remedies For Hyperacidity

home remedies for hyperacidity

Hyperacidity is the most prevalent disease everywhere in the world. A minor mistake or an alteration in the food habits can lead you to the hyperacidity. Here are some tips from Ayurveda think tank about how to control the hyperacidity at home. These are not for the treatment; these are to give some relief to the burning mucosal lining inside.

Hyperacidity with Vomiting

If you are not facing the vomiting or regurgitation of the food take tender coconut (Cocus nucifera) water. This one should take in a dose of 100 to 500 ml twice a day.

To save your mucosa against the strong stomach acids try the powdered fruit rind of emblic myrobalan (Emblica officinalis). A dose of 3 to 6 g should be taken with 100 to 250 ml milk twice/day, on the records this is the best source of Vitamin C, naturally. This Vitamin C will help you to fight against the disease and its hazardous results.

Mix gruel of rice corn, raw sugar, and honey in equal quantity. Dose for this is 100 to 200 g twice a day.

Hyperacidity with Constipation

If you are facing some constipation or have boozed too much lastly. Then take powdered fruit rind of chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and whole plant of thistles (Eclipta alba) in equal quantity. A dose of 3 to 6 g should be taken with 12 g of jaggery and warm water twice daily.

To enhance the immunity of the inner lining of the stomach take dried rhizome of turmeric (Curcuma longa), leaf of snakeguard (Trichosanthes dioica), and fruit rind of emblic myrobalan (Emblica offcinalis) in equal parts and make the powder. Dosage of this are 3 to 6 g with the fresh juice of ginger and 30 drops of papaya latex twice/day.

Prepare a decoction from the equal parts of stem of tinospora (Tinospora cordifolia), fruit of neem, leaf of snake guard, and triphala. A dose of 14 to 28 ml should be taken twice daily and this can save you from the worst side effects of the hyperacidity.

Flatulence along with hyperacidity

If there is flatulence prepare a decoction of equal parts of dried ginger, fruit of coriander, and leaf of snake guard. A dose of 14 to 28 ml should be taken twice/day.

Prepare a decoction of equal parts of leaves of snake guard and vasaka, dried ginger, stem of tinospora, and rhizome of katuki (Picrorhiza curroa). A dose of 14 to 28 ml should be taken with 4 to 6 g honey twice/day.

Hyperacidity with Ama Symptoms

Once you have some symptoms of Ama prepare mahasurdarshan churna, containing triphala (Emblica officinalis, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula), guduci (Tinospora cordifolia), katuka (Picrorrhiza kurroa), fumaria (Fumaria officinalis), lime juice, etc. Take this in a dose of 1/2 tsp three times a day after meals.

Use aloe vera (Aloe littoralis). Prepare 1 tbsp of fresh gel from the plant and take three times a day.

Drink coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum) tea.

Take 1 tsp of psyllium (Plantago ovata) 1 h after meals with 8 oz of warm water.

Prepare a milk decoction of 1 tsp emblica myrobalan (Emblica officinalis), 1 tsp raw sugar, 1 cup of milk, and 1 cup of water. Boil to 1 cup. Drink as a tea with meals or anytime three times a day.

Prepare a decoction of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), honey, 1/2 tsp of powder with 1/2 tsp of turmeric on an empty stomach with warm water or warm milk.

Prepare a licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) ghee. Make the decoction with 1 tsp of licorice in 2 cups of water. Boil to 1 cup. Add 1 cup ghee and 1 cup water. Boil off water. Take 1/2 tsp three times a day on an empty stomach with hot water. Use this Ghee in cooking your food.

If conditions are out of control you should immediately consult your physician or you can contact any of our Vaidyas to guide you to get relieved for the condition of Hyperacidity. Ayurvedic Treatment for Hyperacidity is based upon not to neutralizing the Acid secretion; this is all about maintaining the adequate secretion of the Acid in the body.

So avoid the Antacids and try Ayurveda treatment for the Hyperacidity.ย 


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