

Eranda: Ricinus communis also known as Castor Plant is the best remedy for all Vata diseases especially lower backache, sciatica and digestive disturbances.

It is termed as the enemy for Vata because of its purificatory action on Vata. Eranda is useful in all painful conditions; rheumatoid arthritis, constipated bowel, fluid retention, hernia (preventive use), and hemorrhoids. It is termed as the enemy for Vata because of its purificatory action on Vata. This is useful in all painful conditions; rheumatoid arthritis, Fibromyalgia, constipated bowel, fluid retention, hernia (preventive use), and hemorrhoids.   

Effect on Doshas: ยท

Eranda  is kaphapittashodhak so useful in kaphapittaj diseases.    

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Eranda

RasaGunaVirya Vipaka
Madhura, katu, KashayaGuru, SnigdhaUshna (Hot)Madhura
  • Eranda stimulates taste buds and increases appetite, liver stimulant and cholagogu in small quantity.
  • In excess amount acts as a purgative.
  • In small doses useful in condition like loss of appetite, liver disorders, Irritable bowel syndrome and jaundice which are due to obstruction in balilary passages. 
  • This is given in congestive cardiac failure it causes a watery diarrhea. 
  • It is an appetizer, purgative and vermifuge and hence is useful in abdominal diseases. 
  • It acts on rakta dhatu, it reduces pulmonary disorders.
  • It is expectorant, it alleviates cough and dyspnoea. 
  • This act as diuretic in diabetes.
  • It reduces burning and pruritus induced by improper secretion and excretion of bile.
  • It purifies blood it reduces and palpitations.
  • This increases the heart strength and blood pressure.
Best Recommended Uses
Eranda powder is one of the best Vata pacifier Ayurveda herbs which also nourishes the body. It makes it very useful in Sciatica, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and gynecological disorders. 
Doses and Useful Parts
The dose for powder of roots of Eranda is 3-6 gm while oil extracted from seeds is taken in dose of 5-10 ml for mild purgation and up to 50 ml for sciatica.

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