Diet for Jaundice

Liver is mostly known as the chemical factory of the body, because most of the activities of bio-chemistry takes place within the liver or under the observation of liver. Liver generally secretes bile pigments in to the bile which are secreted via gall bladder as bile.
In two conditions these pigments increase many fold in the body- first where production of the bile pigments is increased due to some reason, in second condition liver is not able to eliminate these bile pigments via normal route. Once level of pigments is increased in the body; skin and mucosal linings of the body start appearing yellow because of the color of these pigments- discolor the skin and mucosal linings of the body. Because all the activities of the liver are dependent on the food what we eat- because it processes the food- so this is important to manage the diet properly for the wellbeing of the liver.
Diet for Jaundice might be different for the different Doshas, so if you wish to have a very specific idea about your diet, please contact us and donโt forget to make your own profile with Sukhayu and get benefited by the detailed Diet-Lifestyle and Yoga plans by esteemed physicians of our team.
Foods Permitted for a patient of Jaundice:
- Bread or chapattis of wheat, rice, maize, jowar, bajra or ragi.
- Breakfast cereal of wheat, rice, oatmeal or maize
- Rice
- Pulses (dal) or beans as thin dal, 1 cup
- Meat, fish or chicken
- Egg
- Milk or milk products
- Soups as thin soup (thick soups excluded)
- Vegetable salad
- Vegetables, Cooked
- Patato, sweet patato, or yam
- Fat for cooking, and butter (fried food excluded)
- Sugar, jiggery or honey
- Jam or Murabba
- Pastry as biscuits
- Dessert as light custard, jelly ice cream
- Sweetmeat
- Fruits, fresh-liberally
- Fruits, dried
- Beverages
- Water as desired
Restricted/Excluded foods for a patient of Jaundice
- Nuts
- Condiments and spices
- Papad, chutney or pickles