Diet For Flatulence

diet for Flatulence

Flatulence is a condition, where the intestines are full of gasses and bloat like a soccer ball. This is more a symptomless disease for most of us but this becomes severe when it starts leaving its effects on related organs. Intestines are surrounded by some important organs. Above the diaphragm, there are the lungs and heart the most vital parts of the body. Secondly, the blood supply inside the intestines is also an important part- this supply is affected once the cavity of the gut starts bloating. So complications of the flatulence might be too aggressive that you will be a hospitalized as a patient of cardiac disease or the same can lead you to the diseases like Piles.

In Ayurveda, flatulence is told to be a disease of the Vata Dosha. Dryness is the basic cause of this problem, with increased cases of cardiac problems and myths about fats (Read Article Here about Fats and Myths) so these cases are increasing day by day. The second problem with a disease like Flatulence is- that it is thought to be a simple condition that is usually dealt with OTC products. The most exhausting problem is aerated and cold drinks which we take regularly with meals. We need the hottest meals with the coldest drinks- we confuse the body to an extent where the body starts showing irritation, flatulence is one of the earliest symptoms.
This is a condition related to the diet so it can be eased with the Diet alone. Diet for flatulence is based on the following concepts-

Avoidable Foods in Case of Flatulence

1.     Foods should not be too dry

2.     Cold is not good for you
3.     Not necessary that high fiber diet is good for you (especially in case of flatulence)
4.     Time and Regularity for the foods, is important for you
5.     You should care about the bacteria inside you (healthy bacteria)
6.     Too many fermented products like โ€“ Breads are never good for you.

Diet for Flatulence has some dos and donโ€™ts here are the favourable food stuffs first in the Diet for flatulence-

  • Bread or chapattis of wheat, rice, maize, jowar, bajra or ragi. 
  • Breakfast cereal of wheat, rice, oatmeal or maize
  • Rice, cooked (exclude in carbohydrate dyspepsia)
  • Soup, thin
  • Vegetables, cooked (beans, peas, and fibrous vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower excluded)
  • Potato, sweet potato, or yam (excluded in carbohydrate dyspepsia)
  • Meat, fish or chicken
  • Eggs (two per day)
  • Fat for cooking, or butter (exclude fried food)
  • Fruit, fresh
  • Sugar, Jaggery or honey 
  • Jam or Murabba
  • Pastry, as biscuits and light cakes (exclude fried pastries)
  • Warm Water (liberally) 

Avoid the foods in case of Flatulence

The foods which should excluded regularly are-

  • Vegetable salad
  • Pulses (dal) or beans
  • Soup, thick
  • Sweets or sweetmeat
  • Fruit, dried
  • Nuts
  • Condiments and spices
  • Papad, chutney and pickles 

Sample Menu for Severe Flatulence

Here is a sample menu to combat your flatulence, rest you can get your personalized and completely managed by physicians- Diet Plans and Guidelines, once you select the Premium and Executive Programs from our plans. Ayurvedic Diet Management Program

Western diet Vegetarian diet
Grape fruit Cornflakes Boiled egg Toast with margarine/Jam Tea or coffee Orange Juice Porridge Toast/Butter or khokhra/ghee Tea or Coffe
Tea or Coffee Cream Biscuits Appetizer Tea Chocolate Biscuits
Grilled pork sausage with gravy Parsley potatoes Sliced Tomatoes (Try to peel off the skin before taking these) Strawberry mousse Chapattis/some Ghee Rice and curry Curd (Donโ€™t take curd in Summer, Rains and Winters) Banana (Take only with Rock Salt)
Appetizer Tea Chocolate cake Appetizer Tea Cheese sandwiches
Scotch broth Steak and kidney pie Creamed potatoes Apple baked with custard sauce Cheese and tomato sandwich Normal Vegetables with sauce/curry Rice and Kadhi Sago pudding

Donโ€™t forget to associate a single glass of warm (not lukewarm) water with your meals, this is the best way to assist you with this disease.

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