

Dalchini, Cinnamon is well known for its capabilities to improve the metabolism of the body so it works well on Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity too- even this is sweet in taste. 

For problems of the oral cavity right from the bad breath, cavities in teeth and bad taste of mouth- Cinnamon helps in all. Even it seems a simple herb- it can help in the complicated conditions like tuberculosis and syphilis too. So better next time you have a cappuccino with you add some cinnamon to this.

English Name:- Cinnamon.

Effect on Doshas:

Vatakaphanashak and pittavardhak by ushna. But sweet cinnamon is pittashamak. It is used in disorders induced by kapha-vata.  

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Dalchini

RasaGuna Virya Vipaka
Katu, Tikta, MadhurLaghu, Ruksha, Tikshna.Ushna Katu
  • This is used for mouth wash in bad breath and keeps teeth healthy. This is done by chewing of cinnamon.
  • Chewing of Dalchini helps in nausea.
  • Paste is applied in skin diseases like moles and skin tags etc.
  • It  is applied locally in headache and also in inflammation.
  • In dental cavity, cotton wool soaked in 1-2 drops of oil relieves pain.
  • Oil or paste is locally applied on penis in primary stage of syphilis.
  • Oil relieves pain and inflammation caused due to scorpion bite.
  • This is also used for cleaning and healing of tuber-culoid ulcer.
  • It is used in neural debility and paralysis.
  • This is useful in anorexia, ama dosha, abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome and haemorrhoids.
  • It has antiprotozoal action is seen in enteric fever.
  • It is used in weakness of heart muscles and blood disorders caused due to bacterial infection.
  • It is an expectorant and anti-tubercular drugs
  • It has oxy-toxics and aphrodisiac properties. Hence it is useful in amenorrhea and infertility.
Best Recommended Uses
Dalchini can be used as a natural sweetener in diabetes mellitus. It should be chewed or gargled (decoction) in bad breath, cavities in teeth, and bad taste in the mouth. 
Doses and Useful Parts
Parts used:- Bark, oil and leaves.
Dosage:-  Bark powder and leaves powder โ€“ 0.33 to 1Gm,  oil 2-5 Drops.

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