Cracking Myths: Ayurveda and Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is one of the most commonly discussed topics these days especially among people above 50 years age group. A few myths about this include:

Myth 1 โ€“ “Pain is better than cure”

Even though it may be true in certain instances, that is not applicable in this case. Ayurveda provides curative and preventive measures for knee OA, without causing any side effects. Gone are the days when allopathic medicines were top of the line and Ayurveda was considered “backward”. With time more people have understood the importance of a holistic and ‘lifestyle-based’ approach to treating arthritis.

Myth 2 โ€“ “There is no cure”

Note that I said there may be no cure for you if you visit an unreputable medical store or someone who has not done even 12th board exams! A correct diagnosis can only be made by an expert doctor who understands your problem well enough to help you out with proper management.

Myth 3 โ€“ “Arthritis is a natural part of aging”

This is definitely not true. Rather it’s known as ‘Unnatural Aging’. With the right remedies and management, you can easily slow down the process of osteoarthritis or delay its onset to a great extent.

Myth 4 โ€“ “There are no cures for OA in Ayurveda”

Totally wrong! Ayurvedic medicines have been around for thousands of years with proven curative powers over many conditions. Ayurveda understands that this problem occurs due to an imbalance in your body’s tissues (or dhatus) and thus provides means to correct it. There may be no one size fits all approach, but there are definitely some tried and tested solutions that can be used effectively for treating knee OA.

Myth 5 โ€“ “There are no side effects of Ayurvedic treatments”

As with any medicine, there are some precautions that need to be taken into account before and during a course of treatment in Ayurveda. You wouldn’t want to have more problems because you were not careful enough! A good doctor would advise on all precautions along with the dosha-specific treatment plan.

Myth 6 โ€“ “Ayurveda is 100% Natural”.

This is actually true! But it should be mentioned that most medicines involve the use of natural products like herbs as their base. The processing methods may sometimes involve heating them up but this is done so as to improve potency and bioavailability. A good Ayurvedic doctor will explain this in detail and help you understand the reasons behind each step of your treatment plan.

Myth 7 โ€“ “Ayurveda is only for people who have a ‘weak constitution”

This is not true at all! The revolutionary thing about Ayurveda is that it works for everyone. Whether you are strong or weak, fit or unfit, healthy or unhealthy – Ayurveda has its own set of recommendations to maintain optimum health. In fact for a majority of cases (see below), the remedy can be classed as ‘preventive’ rather than curative!.

You can save your Joints and can avoid possible Knee Replacement therapy. For this please consult with Vaidya Dr. Pardeep Sharma. Vaidya Dr. Pardeep has saved thousands of patients from Knee Replacement and you can be next.

Cracking Myths: Ayurveda and Knee Osteoarthritis
Article Name
Cracking Myths: Ayurveda and Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee osteoarthritis is one of the most commonly discussed topics these days especially among people above 50 years age group. Know a few myths.
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Sukhayu Ayurveda
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