10 Tips to Control Normal Back Pain
If you’re plagued by back pain, don’t worry, you’re far from alone. In fact, surveys have shown that back pain is one of the most common medical problems in America. Even though it’s widespread, however, that doesn’t make living with chronic back pain any easier. But there are still things you can do to help… Continue reading 10 Tips to Control Normal Back Pain
Herbs Which Help in High Uric Acid
Excessive uric acid in the body can cause gout, a condition in which uric acid collects around joints and cartilage, leading to inflammation and pain. There is no cure for gout currently available through allopathic medicine. According to the Indian holistic health system of Ayurveda, uric acid can be effectively treated through dietary regulations, lifestyle… Continue reading Herbs Which Help in High Uric Acid
Ayurvedic Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease that leads to joint destruction. RA affects 0.5-1% of the adult population in developed countries and up to 3% in developing countries. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common with age, occurring at peak incidence between 40 and 50 years of age, with women being about three times more likely… Continue reading Ayurvedic Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
How To Sit and Sleep If You Have a Herniated Disc
If you’re suffering from a herniated disc, going about your everyday life can be extremely painful. Here are some tips about- how to sit and sleep if you have a herniated disc to help you get relief: If you’ve been told you have a herniated disc, your first questions will more likely be regarding pain… Continue reading How To Sit and Sleep If You Have a Herniated Disc
Is Ayurveda Good for Slip Disc or Disc Bulge?
Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, is a holistic system of medicine and healing. This is in practice for over 5,000 years in India. Likely intermingled in lives of Indians. Ayurvedic treatment for disc bulge or slip disc is three dimensional: Ayurvedic medicines, Panchakarma therapy, and Yoga Asanas. Ayurvedic Medicines for disc bulge Dashamoola, Ashwagandha,… Continue reading Is Ayurveda Good for Slip Disc or Disc Bulge?
Simple at Home Treatments For Cervical Spondylosis that Anyone Can Try
Cervical spondylosis is a fairly common condition that causes stiffness, pain, and discomfort in the neck. While conservative treatments such as medications, physical therapy, and exercise are often recommended for managing symptoms of cervical spondylosis, there are some remedies you can try at home to help relieve your symptoms. 1. Heat and Cold Therapy Applying… Continue reading Simple at Home Treatments For Cervical Spondylosis that Anyone Can Try
Is Ayurvedic Treatment Effective for Arthritis?
Arthritis is not just pain in the joint. It is a disabling condition for most patients who have no options other than- taking painkillers with risks or joint replacement surgeries without solving the problems of patients. Amid this condition, everybody gazes at Ayurveda with hope for ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis. Do products selling in name… Continue reading Is Ayurvedic Treatment Effective for Arthritis?
How Can Panchakarma Help in Healing of Slipped Spinal Disc
Hundreds of individuals each year are afflicted with debilitating injuries as a result of slipped discs. The disability happens because of two factors, one being a lack of concern for slip disc treatment and the second being the complexity of surgical therapy for slip disc. We all require an alternative therapy that is both safer… Continue reading How Can Panchakarma Help in Healing of Slipped Spinal Disc
5 Things Your Doctor Hides from You about Avascular Necrosis Treatment
You will have to replace your joint, later or sooner. This is the final statement of every doctor you visit and this complexes the life of a patient, overall. You are told that there is no treatment of Avascular necrosis and the modern-day infrastructure and rudeness of the medical practitioners never allow you to cross-question… Continue reading 5 Things Your Doctor Hides from You about Avascular Necrosis Treatment
Fibromyalgia Vs Arthritis: How to Diagnose
I get regular emails asking me to compare Fibromyalgia to Arthritis. I think that may be because many people are diagnosed with “Arthritis” and then spend years trying to find out why they feel exhausted all the time. They have chronic pain, can’t sleep through the night without waking up in agony, or have swollen… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Vs Arthritis: How to Diagnose