Ayurveda Treatment for Coronavirus
December 2019, something spreaded from Wuhan City of China. A virus. Simple protein. When this protein came in contact with mucosa lining of the human nose and mouth- it activated. And lead to the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, like the other members of the same COVID family. It spread like fire of the forest. And… Continue reading Ayurveda Treatment for Coronavirus
Panchakarma Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis
Depressed, devoid of hopes, irritated and uncertain- after meeting and consulting thousands of ulcerative colitis patients- these are a few things that appear in my mind when someone talks about an ulcerative colitis patient. Patients are not wrong, at all. The condition turns them to this condition. When you cannot eat properly, your body doesn’t… Continue reading Panchakarma Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis
5 Things You Should Never Do with Avascular Necrosis
Hopes shatter, as soon as you come to know about a disease where one of your bones starts decaying. Above this the fear of surgery makes you do “everything” and “anything” to get rid of the problem. Everyone wants to stay healthy and everyone wants to avoid all types of surgeries. Between this- everything and… Continue reading 5 Things You Should Never Do with Avascular Necrosis
Reasons: Why Joint Replacement is not a Solution for Avascular Necrosis
“You can walk normally just after the second day of your surgery!” This sentence had convinced thousands of people for joint replacement surgeries. Avascular necrosis patients had so much pain that every hope helps them. Every AVN patient wants to get rid of the pain, discomfort, and limping while walking. Post Covid Avascular Necrosis cases… Continue reading Reasons: Why Joint Replacement is not a Solution for Avascular Necrosis