Can Ayurveda Slow the Progression of Motor Neuron Disease (MND)?
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder involving motor neurones. MND weakens muscles and affects mobility, speech, and breathing. The symptom handling approach of conventional medical system is not much helpful in this condition. Ayurveda can help in strengthening of nerves, slowing down of decay of neural tissue by working o the Dosha-centric… Continue reading Can Ayurveda Slow the Progression of Motor Neuron Disease (MND)?
Case Study: Overcoming Chronic Lower Back Pain and Sciatica with Ayurveda
Patient Name Mrs. Rajesh Kanwar Age 34 Years Condition Chronic Lower Back Pain with Sciatica Symptoms Severe lower back pain, radiating pain to legs, numbness, tingling, restricted mobility, disturbed sleep Previous Treatments Physiotherapy, painkillers, steroids Diagnosis (Ayurveda) Katigata Vata (Degenerative Spinal Disorder) & Gridhrasi (Sciatica-like symptoms) MRI Findings L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc bulges with nerve… Continue reading Case Study: Overcoming Chronic Lower Back Pain and Sciatica with Ayurveda