• Pushkarmool

    Pushkarmool; Inula racemosa is the best Ayurveda herb for Bronchial Asthma, respiratory discomfort, Hoccoughs, cough and pain in the chest.  It is useful in asthmatic conditions as well as heart diseases. It corrects the working of the heart and respiratory system. It possesses therapeutic properties for diabetes, heart diseases; anemia, and its complications. Pushkarmool is also… Continue reading Pushkarmool

  • Punarnava

    Punarnava; Boerhavia diffusa also known as spreading hogweed itself means which becomes anew every year.  Similar to its name it rejuvenates the whole body i.e. with routine use of Punarnava fellow become young again โ€“ full of vigor and vitality. It corrects the digestive system, alleviates fluid retention and very useful in managing heart diseases. It also benefits… Continue reading Punarnava

  • Pippali

    Pippali; Piper longum also termed as long pepper is especially useful in respiratory problems. It encourages broncho-dilation and improves blood circulation in the lungs. Because of its Ushna Virya; It increases the fire content of the body and an increased metabolic rate which works in burning of extra fats from the body. It is also… Continue reading Pippali

  • Nirgundi

    Where Amalaki is famous for its richness in Vitamin C but in the same Nirgundi; Vitex negundo is the richest source of stable Vitamin C. This richness in Vitamin C makes the Nirgundi one of the best anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic (not by killing the cellsโ€ฆbut by increasing the immunity of the body). Nirgundi is a… Continue reading Nirgundi

  • Neem

    Neem; Azadirachta indica also known as margose tree is one of the best healer for wounds and useful in skin diseases. Neem improves eye sight and corrects metabolism so useful in diabetes mellitus. It also minimizes the complications of diabetes. Neem is a cardiac rejuvenating Ayurveda herb and useful in arrhythmic conditions.  Effect on Doshas: … Continue reading Neem

  • Nagkeshara

    Nagkeshar, Messua ferrea is a drug of choice for problems with slow digestion and it helps to get rid of the Ama deposited in the digestive system. It is a herb of choice for the natural cure of bleeding piles when taken with buttermilk. It also works as a hemostatic herb- which reduces the excessive… Continue reading Nagkeshara

  • Musali Safed

    Safed Musali also known as Asparagus adscendens is one of the most talked Ayurveda herb now a day. Safed Musali nourishes each and every tissue level of the body especially the Shukra Dhatu this is the reason it is mainly recommended as an adjuvant for vigor and vitality. As it is having therapeutic value for diabetes… Continue reading Musali Safed

  • Musali Kali

    Kali musali (Curculigo orchioides) is a drug of choice for rejuvenation for genital system. It is natural remedy for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. It nourishes all the body systems especially the Shukra Dhatu this is the reason it is mainly recommended as an adjuvant for vigor and vitality. Kali musali not anly aphrodisiac herb… Continue reading Musali Kali

  • Methi

    Methika also known as Trigonella foenum graecum; is one of the best Vata pacifier Ayurveda herb which makes it very useful as a tonic for aged fellows. It minimizes the age related wear and tear in the body. It can be taken in routine without any problem. Vata pacifying characteristic makes it a useful herb… Continue reading Methi

  • Maricha

    Maricha; Piper nigrum also known as black pepper is an important Ayurveda herb to rejuvenate the digestive system. It is an important constituent of Trikatu which is an effective remedy to correct metabolism and losing unwanted fats from the body. It is prescribed in dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea and as a febrifuge in intermittent fevers.  It is… Continue reading Maricha

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