• Sports and Ayurveda

    Sports medicine is an interdisciplinary subspecialty of medicine which deals with the overall care of an athlete at all levels. The sports medical “team” includes specialty physicians and surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, coaches, other personnel and the athlete. Ayurveda is the traditional medical system of India which aims at prevention and cure of illness. It… Continue reading Sports and Ayurveda

  • How Does Ayurveda Treat

    Treatment! This is the main aim of any system, which deals with health or body. And every system has its own claims about the treatment. But Ayurveda is different from conventional systems of medicines. According to Ayurveda whenever we are going to treat our body, it should be treated well and this should be happiness… Continue reading How Does Ayurveda Treat

  • High Fiber Diet: Myth and Truth

    Fibres can absorb large quantity of water in the bowels which makes stool softer and easier to pass. When a fellow starts taking a high-fibre diet he will notice the difference in stool bulk. It will relieve constipation within few days. As the stools will be easier to pass, less straining will be required; it… Continue reading High Fiber Diet: Myth and Truth

  • Pancha Mahabhootas

    Pancha Mahabhootas are the physical representatives of the three Mahagunas โ€“ Satva, Rajas and Tama. The Mahabhootas are related to the three Mahagunas in following way: Aakash Mahabhoota โ€“   Satva Mahaguna Vayu Mahabhoota โ€“      Rajas Mahguna Agni Mahabhoota โ€“       Rajas and Satva Mahaguna Jala Mahabhoota โ€“        Satva and Tama Mahaguna Prithvi… Continue reading Pancha Mahabhootas

  • Concept of Agni in Ayurveda

    Discovery of fire was one of the biggest revolutions in history of human being. By it human learnt many things. One of the greatest benefits was that now human can cook his foods and cooked food was always easier to digest and assimilate. The concept of AGNI in human body is also an out come… Continue reading Concept of Agni in Ayurveda

  • Are you mentally Obese

    Dietary irregularities, sedentary lifestyles are thought to be the most common causes of being overweight. But you are hitting the gym more than 5 times a week. And have left all the tangy foods which were your passion a few days before. And you stuck on the labels โ€“ reading about the calorie value, most… Continue reading Are you mentally Obese

  • Side Effects of being obese

    Not looking good, heavy and flabby body and low self esteem. These are side effects of the obesity. And everybody will ask you to shed some extra pounds as a solution. But things are not that simple. Things are really complicated. Every obese person thinks why is not easy to lose weight. And most of… Continue reading Side Effects of being obese

  • Home remedies For Hyperacidity

    Hyperacidity is the most prevalent disease everywhere in the world. A minor mistake or an alteration in the food habits can lead you to the hyperacidity. Here are some tips from Ayurveda think tank about how to control the hyperacidity at home. These are not for the treatment; these are to give some relief to… Continue reading Home remedies For Hyperacidity


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About Sukhayu

In name of Ayurveda centers and hospitals, resorts are common. And this dragged Ayurveda to a category of relaxation and spa only. This is the reason, Ayurveda pendulum between spa and hotels. Hospitals are not common in Ayurveda.

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