Best Ayurvedic Remedies for Sleep disorder ( Insomnia) Treatment

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? If you answered yes, then keep reading to learn about some possible Ayurvedic remedies that can help improve your sleep. According to Ayurveda, eating a proper diet and getting enough restful sleep are both key principles for maintaining good health. Here are some tips to make you better and Ayurvedic Remedies for Sleep disorder.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Sleep Disorder 

Many people toss and turn at night without knowing the reason why. There are many causes of sleep disturbances, like an unhealthy diet or sleeping in a disruptive environment. However, Ayurveda treatment believes that most sleep problems are due to imbalances in the three doshas.

Insomnia mostly happens because of an imbalance in Vata or mental stress. This results in people tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep because their mind is spinning. Consequently, they face anxiety, worry, and rushed activity during the day. Alternatively, pitta imbalance causes intermittent awakening during sleep.

Generally, individuals with insomnia fall asleep quickly but wake up often during the night due to physical discomfort or emotional anxiety. Another common symptom is waking up early in the morning and being unable to go back to sleep.

Best Ayurvedic Remedy for Sleeping Disorder 

The following are health tips from Ayurveda to follow for a better night’s sleep, less stress, and a stronger immune system:

Discipline with your sleep

It’s important to maintain a disciplined sleep schedule if you want to be productive. Try to go to bed early and wake up early the next morning. Your mind is most stable during this time, making it easier for you to get a good night’s sleep.

Pranayam: Hold your breath

In Ayurveda, pranayama, or alternate nostril breathing, is believed to be key in improving sleep disorders and stress. To see results, you should do several rounds regularly. Not only does this help your mind, but it also calming your nervous system–setting you up for deeper quality sleeps.

Synchronize the Sleep and Food

Eat your dinner around 6:30 or 7 pm for the best results. Your digestive system starts working less efficiently after sunsets, which means you’ll have an easier time digesting and sleeping if you eat a light meal earlier in the evening. While eating, give your full attention to the act of consuming food by avoiding other activities such as reading books, watching television, or talking with others.

Exercise Regularly

Having a healthy mind requires more than just positivity and self-care–regular exercise is essential to maintaining mental well-being. Physical activity can help reduce stress and improve sleep disorders, two common roadblocks on the path to wellness. To ensure restful slumber, avoid stimulants like caffeine in the evening hours.

Abhyanga: Pamper your Body

Oil massage therapy, primarily done through foot massages, is a key part of Ayurvedic medicine for treating sleep disorders and stress problems. This is because there are nerve endings in your feet that oil massage helps to nourish. By doing this type of massaging, it also relieves stress levels, makes you feel relaxed overall, and improves blood circulation-all factors that play into improving sleep quality. You can pick between several types of herbal oils for the massage itself. 

Give yourself a break

To have the best health possible, you must take care of your mind, body, and soul. Keep negative influences out of your life as much as possible by surrounding yourself with positive people and environments. Be careful about who you talk to before bedtime; it’s best to switch off all electronics (including social media) two hours before sleep.

Following these with Ayurvedic Remedies for Sleep disorder (insomnia) can make you to fall asleep, properly.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Sleep disorder ( Insomnia)

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine from India that uses a variety of herbs to treat disorders. Ayurvedic remedies are the most natural form of treating disorders, and there is an ayurvedic remedy for every kind of sleeping disorder.

Brahmi: Baccopa Monierie

Brahmi is an outstanding brain tonic that supports all aspects of mental functioning. In addition, it’s famous for its calming and tranquilizing effects, making it the perfect bedtime tea. Those who regularly consume Brahmi sleep peacefully through the night and have seen a significant drop in their insomnia symptoms.

Aswagandha: Withania Somnifera

This powdery concoction is not only good for your health and longevity, but it also improves the coordination between your mind and senses. A good night’s sleep is vital for our well-being, and according to Ayurveda, this is key. The recommended dosage is half a teaspoon of powder, taken at night with either sugar and ghee or warm milk.

Jatamansi: Narddostachys Jatamansi

This herb increases levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin. It is a sedative, anti-depressant, and anti-epileptic cardio-tonic Ayurvedic herb. This is one of the most effective remedies for neurosis. This makes it an excellent choice for those with sleep disorders.

Vacha: Acorus calamus

Vacha, an Ayurvedic herb, has been used to treat a laundry list of problems, including epilepsy and insomnia. This is often taken with amla and Brahmi powder before sleep. Be careful with dosages. This root activates the higher brain centers for vomiting. Therefore it should be taken in low dosages only.

Tagar: Valerian

Ayurvedic herbs for sleeplessness, such as Indian valerian (tagar in Hindi), work by clearing out toxins from the blood, joints, tissues, colon, and nerves. Its basic role is to rejuvenate. However, valerian should not be taken on its own. For example, it can have a somewhat dulling effect if used without other herbs. If you wish to discuss any specific problem with an Ayurveda practitioner/expert beforehand, you can do so before taking valerian or Ayurvedic Remedies for Sleep disorder

Also Read – Ayurvedic Diet for Self Healing

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