

BakulaMimosops elengi works as a best medicine for the gums and teeth. 

If bark of the Bakula bark is chewed regularly it keeps the teeth and gums healthy and strong and secondly if used in any problem of the teeth and gums- it helps to get rid of the problem. This is one of the best natural as a haemostatic which makes it a remedy for heavy uterine bleeding and bleeding piles too. Because this is a natural potent calcium channel blocker, it helps in relieving blood pressure naturally.

Effect on Doshas

Kapha Pitta Pacifying.

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Bakula

Katu, kashayaGuru AnushnaKatu
  • Bark powder is used for strengthening gums and teeth
  • Decoction of the Itโ€™s bark is astringent so regular use of this herb man have no dental problems.
  • This correct the assimilation process of digestive system and is therefore used in diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal worms. 
  • Flowers and bark have good haemostatic activity and are  therefore used in menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, spermatorrhoea, cystitis, gonorrhea etc
  • Ripe fruits are used as general tonic.
  • This is very effective in skin disease like leucoderma.
  • It helps in the management of the dental caries.
  • It works as a cardiac rejuvenator and also have calcium channel blocker properties so it can be used in reduce blood pressure.
Best Recommended Uses
This is best for dental health; Gargling should be done with Bakula decoction. 
Doses and Useful Parts
 Decoction of the bark โ€“ 50 to 100ml; powder bark โ€“ 3-5gm

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