Ayurvedic Herbs Those Heal Asthma

ayurvedic herbs those heal asthma

Asthma is a disease that affects the airways of the lungs and causes difficulty in breathing. It has been recorded as one of the oldest illnesses, with descriptions dating back to ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

In India, Ayurveda has contributed a lot to its treatment. According to Ayurveda, each person can be classified into 3 types based on their constitution – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Asthma occurs if there is an imbalance in these doshas. In order to cure this condition and bring balance among these doshas, it uses certain medicinal herbs that help us in treating asthma successfully.

The following are certain herbs that play an important role in the treatment of asthma-

Pushkaramool (Inula racemosa)

Pushkaramool is one of the most effective herbs in Ayurveda. It helps in clearing up the lungs, strengthening the respiratory system, and thus alleviating asthma.

The root of this herb has been used extensively by traditional healers as a decongestant for treating problems like colds, flu, and various other respiratory infections. This herb contains antibacterial properties that help in fighting off infections present deep within the respiratory tract, making it an excellent treatment for chronic cases of asthma.

It helps to expel phlegm from the lungs and also reduces inflammations caused due to asthma. Pushkaramoola can be taken either as seeds or in the form of decoction or infusion.

Shunthi (Zingiber officinale)

This herb is widely known for its medicinal properties and is used in treating various health conditions like the common cold, cough, asthma, etc. Shunthi increases the flow of mucus reduces phlegm from the lungs and thus helps to dispel congestion.

It also acts as a remedy for certain lung disorders such as asthma. You can either make use of fresh juice of this herb or dried ginger powder to treat respiratory infections and other related problems. In case you are suffering from a cold then you can make an effective tea by boiling a few pieces of shuthi in water for 5 to 10 minutes, till it turns dark in color, and then slowly sipping it will be good for you.

Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum)

It is an evergreen tree that belongs to the family Myrtaceae. In Ayurveda, Lavanga is widely used for its medicinal properties. It helps in relieving chest congestion and also induces sweating due to which phlegm can easily be cleared out from the respiratory system.

The decoction prepared from this herb can treat various respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, etc. To make a decoction of lavanga boil 10-12 pieces of dried lavang seeds in water on low flame till it turns dark brown in color. Strain off and drink this tea while it is still warm. You can also prepare syrup from this decoction and take it once in the morning, during the day, and before going to bed at night.

Kali Mircha (Piper nigrum)

Kali Mircha is the dried immature fruit of black pepper. It can be used both in fresh and dried forms. The herb has a lot of medicinal properties which help in curing several respiratory disorders like asthma, whooping cough etc. Being a hot herb it stimulates various body organs and helps increase their power & strength to function well. This also helps in removing phlegm from the respiratory tract, thus alleviating mild asthma symptoms. You can either use fresh juice or dry this herb by roasting it on the pan till it becomes crisp before making use of it as medicine for asthma treatment.

Pippali (Piper longum)

It belongs to the family of pepper and is one of the best herbs for asthma. Pippali not only helps in treating mild cases of asthma but is also useful for the common cold, flu, and various other respiratory disorders. It has a specialty known as pippalimishtha that gives it maximum medicinal properties.

The oil derived from this herb is very effective in curing asthma since it helps to relieve chest congestion by opening up the bronchi tubes present deep inside our lungs. Use either fresh juice or dry extract of pippali root and prepare an infusion out of it by using hot water. Drinking this concoction 2-3 times a day before your meals will be beneficial for you.

Haridra (Curcuma longa)

It is a herb that belongs to the family of ginger and has highly potent medicinal properties. Haridra contains active principles like curcuminoids, volatile oils, and various other phytochemical substances that are known for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hepatoprotective properties, etc.

This herb can be used both in fresh or dried form. It helps in getting rid of mucus buildup from the lungs thus clearing congestion due to asthma attacks. You can either make use of its decoction or simply add small pieces of turmeric to your daily diet like salads, soups, etc so that it acts as an effective treatment for asthma & the common cold.

Bumi Amalaki (Phyllanthus niruri)

Bhumyamalaki is a good herb that helps in curing several respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis etc. It has been widely used for centuries to cure various respiratory problems.

The leaves of this herb contain anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties which help the body to expel mucus from the lungs thereby clearing congestion & making breathing easier. You can either use its dry extract or make an infusion by using hot water and then drink it 2-3 times a day before your meals will be beneficial for you.

Punarnava (Borrehevia difusa)

The roots of punarnava contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals and thus protect our body against many diseases including asthma. Being a mild laxative, this herb not only helps in clearing congestion caused due to asthma but also reduces the frequency of attacks. To prepare an infusion from these roots add some dried punarnava roots to water and simmer it on low flame for about 10 minutes before drinking it 2-3 times a day.

Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck)

It is an effective expectorant and has anti-inflammatory properties that help cure various respiratory disorders like bronchitis, asthma, etc. Shirisha has a potent capacity to remove toxins from the body, thus relieving the body of impurities and promoting health.

You can either directly prepare a decoction by boiling shisha leaves in water or make use of its dry powder to make a paste, which when applied on the spot will provide relief from asthma symptoms.

Bharangi (Clerodendron serratum)

It is an effective expectorant and has anti-inflammatory properties that help cure various respiratory disorders like bronchitis, asthma, etc. It is rich in vitamins C & B which help in reducing inflammation. You can either directly prepare a decoction by boiling Bharangi bark in water or make use of its dry powder to make a paste, which when applied on the spot will provide relief from asthma symptoms.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthma at Sukhayu Ayurved

Appreciate our Asthma expert who provides complete treatment for asthma with Ayurvedic medicines and Panchakarma. The professionals at Sukhayu Ayurved are highly trained and are well equipped with round-the-clock Ayurvedic medicine.

We do not indulge in any kind of medication or treatment without a prescription from our doctor. You need to Consult for Asthma Ayurvedic treatment with Vaidya Dr. Pardeep Sir.

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