Bhramari Pranayama
The original word in the term Bhramari is Bhramar (humming bee). The characteristic of this Pranayama is to create a sound like that of the humming bee. Technique: Sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana. Raise bent arms to shoulder level & close external ear canals with thumbs. Place index & middle fingers gently on closed eyes… Continue reading Bhramari Pranayama
Bhastrika Pranayama
In Sanskrit Bhastrika means โbellowsโ. Rapid succession of forcible expulsion is a characteristic feature of Bhastrika. Just as a blacksmith blows his bellows rapidly, so also you should move your breath rapidly while practicing Bhastrika Pranayama. Technique: Sit in a comfortable position. Keep the body, neck and head erect. Close the mouth. Next, inhale and… Continue reading Bhastrika Pranayama
Benefits of Meditation
Regular practice of Meditation the energy of the body and mind can be enlightened and the quality of consciousness can be expanded. This is not a subjective argue because scientist had approved this knowledge through research and investigation. Here are some benefits of meditation :- Psycological Benefits Decreased anxiety. Decreased depression. Decreased irritability and moodiness.… Continue reading Benefits of Meditation
Basics of Yoga
Philosophy of Yoga is to unite and to achieve some of the goals, without wasting time, lets discuss the practical-philosophy of Yoga! Complete Relaxation: We remain toned for the whole day, physically as well as psychologically. This toned posture of body and mind has made us stiff, stiffness brings pain and arrogance. Once you have… Continue reading Basics of Yoga
Bandhas or โLocksโ are special postures that are adapted to conserve and make use of the cosmic reserves of prana generated by the Advanced Breathing exercises. They not only prevent the excess of prana, but also enable you to regulate its flow and convert it into spiritual energy. There are three classic bandhas; Mula, Uddyana,… Continue reading Bandha
Ashtang Yoga
Now a day everyone is doing Yoga. In the name of Yoga we are just practicing some postures and some breathing exercises. No doubt these two are benefiting a lot; but these are not the complete Yoga. Yoga consists of eight limbs namely โ Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi. So when… Continue reading Ashtang Yoga
These are the basic forms of the energies in Indian Philosophy. These are the explanations not only for energy parts but also explains the materialistic parts too. These are three- Sattava, Rajas and Tamas! These are different so these compliment each other by their activities and characters. Sattava: This is the pure form of the… Continue reading Triguna
Srotas definition is given by Sushruta first of all. According to Sushruta- โThe channels, which are widely spread in all the spaces (Intra, Inter and Extra- cellular spaces) of the body, where circulation (Transportation) of the fluid occurs irresistibly and continuously are known as Srotas. These are different from the arteries and veins.โ From this… Continue reading Srotas
Pancha Mahabhootas are the physical representatives of the three Mahagunas โ Satva, Rajas and Tama. The Mahabhootas are related to the three Mahagunas in following way: Aakash Mahabhoota โ Satva Mahaguna Vayu Mahabhoota โ Rajas Mahguna Agni Mahabhoota โ Rajas and Satva Mahaguna Jala Mahabhoota โ Satva and Tama Mahaguna Prithvi… Continue reading Panchamahabhutas
The human body is nourished by the elements of air, water and food from the external world, by converting these products in bodily assimilable form through the process of digestion. During this process of digestion at macro and micro levels, there are also certain bi-products which are produced in the body as excretory wastes. These… Continue reading Malas