• Bilva

    Bilva: Aegle marmelos; is especially useful in the management of digestive disturbances like IBS and colitis as it improves the all-round functioning of the digestive system. Bael itself means which kills all the diseases.  As per Ayurveda, all the diseases are related to the disturbed digestive system somewhere and it corrects the digestive system in… Continue reading Bilva

  • Bhringraj

    Bhringraj; Eclipta alba; is especially rejuvenating for hairs, skin and teeth.  On the root level- Bhringraj is a drung of choice for Agni-Vikaras (the Liver disorders) thus Bhringraj works on hairs and skin- because as per Ayurveda Liver is the controller of these hair, nails, teet and skin also. It can be used as an… Continue reading Bhringraj

  • Bala

    Bala, Sida cordifolia; also known as country mellow is the best Ayurveda herb to harmonize the Vata Dosha in the body.  Bala is a a herb which gives the Bala – the strength to the body. It increases the vigor and vitality because of Bala’s Vata balancing properties. Because weakness and excessive wear and tear… Continue reading Bala

  • Bakula

    Bakula; Mimosops elengi works as a best medicine for the gums and teeth.  If bark of the Bakula bark is chewed regularly it keeps the teeth and gums healthy and strong and secondly if used in any problem of the teeth and gums- it helps to get rid of the problem. This is one of the best natural… Continue reading Bakula

  • Bakuchi

    Vitiligo, leucoderma or white patches whatever term we use- the best medicine to be used internally as well as locally on these patches. Bakuchi is irritant on the skin and it removes the upper layers of the skin and brings healthy skin by improving the distribution of the melanin in the skin and cures this… Continue reading Bakuchi

  • Bahera

    Bahera; Terminalia bellericais one and the only herb which is equally effective in diseases of all Dhatus (Body systems) as it nourishes the body deeply. One of the synonyms of Bahera is Bibhitaki which means a herb which makes the fellow fearless; it also indicates towards the usefulness in disease originating from any of the… Continue reading Bahera

  • Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha Withania somnifera is among the best Ayurveda herbs which nourish each and every part of the body and thus improve the nutritive status of the body. Ashwagandha; as a word means which smells like horse and it is renowned for imparting vigor and vitality like that of a horse. It is also useful in Arthritis –… Continue reading Ashwagandha

  • Ashoka

    Ashoka: Saraca asoca is the treatment of choice for all menstrual cycle related problems especially excessive bleeding during menstrual cycles. Ashoka: itself means which alleviates all types of sorrows and menstrual disturbances are the greatest sorrow for a female. As Ashoka will minimize the blood loss during menstrual cycles; it will improve the nourishment level of… Continue reading Ashoka

  • Arjuna

    Arjuna; Terminalia arjuna is among the best Ayurveda herbs which are indicated as healers which also nourishes the body.  Because of its astringent action it is indicated in fractures, wounds for early healing. The nourishing quality of Arjuna makes it a herb of choice for all emaciating conditions. Along with this It also nourishes the skin… Continue reading Arjuna

  • Amalaki

    Amalaki, Embelica officinalis which is also known as Indian Goose berry is one of the best Ayurveda rejuvenating herbs which specially nourish eyes, hair and skin. It is the best source of Vitamin C which makes it a best anti โ€“ oxidant herb also.  It is also a best Pitta pacifying Ayurveda herb so for a Pitta fellow and the… Continue reading Amalaki

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