• Preserving Health

    The Preservation of Health is Easier than the cure of the disease! B J Palmer Every one of us is sure and aware about- โ€œPrevention is better than cureโ€! Hardly, few of us, believe and apply on this. Because end of the day it seems easy to visit a store of medicines. And to buy… Continue reading Preserving Health

  • Myths About Obesity

    These are some points you have tried sometime or maybe you are still practicing some of these lines. We have an interest to provide you the best health solutions. For this we are committed to give the best information from our side. Some of these myths are as follows- Myth: Calories are important to count… Continue reading Myths About Obesity

  • Yoga for Diabetes

    Increased level of sugar in blood is termed as Diabetes. Normally when the blood sugar rises there will be an immediate rush of insulin in blood from pancreas. This insulin will convert the extra glucose to glucagon which is then conserved in liver for future usage. In Diabetes this feed back mechanism fails either by… Continue reading Yoga for Diabetes

  • Yoga for Heart

    It is a popular proverb โ€œhow flexible the body is; shows how healthy the heart and arteries are.โ€  There is a simple way to measure body flexibility. Sit on the floor with your back against the wall, legs extended, and then lean forward and see how far you can reach with your arms toward your… Continue reading Yoga for Heart

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