The Great Golden Milk and Immunity
You talk about an ayurvedic drink and all of sudden “golden-milk” pops up. This milk is more famous than coffee. And everybody praise this milk as if it comes from the “nectar pot” of Lord Dhanvantri. But there are many questions around Golden Milk- Do we have any reference for this drink in Ayurveda? Does… Continue reading The Great Golden Milk and Immunity
Immunity According to Ayurveda
Approach of Ayurveda is simple. Whatever life we all supposed to live- that should be healthy and free from diseases. And everything in the human body keeps on working for the same “healthy-disease-free-life”. Every single cell is responsible for this work. So fight against the diseases is a cumulative effort. And how much strength human… Continue reading Immunity According to Ayurveda
Does Ayurveda Believe in Just increasing Immunity
Whenever we discuss Ayurveda in the context of the immune system, the main misbelief is- Ayurveda does miracles and increases immunity! But this is not true in any sense. Because “increase” is a word which talks about “imbalance”! And Ayurveda is never in favor of any type of imbalance. Balance is health. When you google… Continue reading Does Ayurveda Believe in Just increasing Immunity
All You Need to Know About Treatment of MS
Complicated diseases have complicated questions. And these questions come from mis-information which float around us in the digital world. With this information, patient collects- a lot of queries gather in mind of a patient. We asked these questions from Dr. Pardeep one by one. These questions will help you to understand approach of Ayurveda for… Continue reading All You Need to Know About Treatment of MS
5 Ayurveda Things to make Multiple Sclerosis Treatable
Multiple sclerosis gets worse with time. And the best thing is to arrest the progress of the disease. But the progressive nature and lack of medicines in the conventional systems of medicines, make patients of MS suffer forever. Ayurveda has a different opinion about this. When you integrate Ayurveda with your ongoing treatment, you can… Continue reading 5 Ayurveda Things to make Multiple Sclerosis Treatable
Do you Really Need Knee Replacement
“You can manage with your knees for four-five years but finally you need to go for replacement, why not to do it now”. “You can stand on your own, very next day”. And finally- “Your knees are completely messed up. There is no cartilage. Better go for replacement”. These are three common expressions of the… Continue reading Do you Really Need Knee Replacement
Can Ayurveda avoid Hysterectomy?
In most of the countries, hysterectomy is most common surgical procedure. This is when, surgeons cannot do it on male population!! This is enough to understand the eagerness of the surgeons to remove your uterus. “You have kids and not planning for another issue. You can get rid of the monthly problems with periods. Uterus… Continue reading Can Ayurveda avoid Hysterectomy?
Are You Bleeding Normally
Am I bleeding normally? Every women has this question in mind. But most of the times none is aware about the normal cycle. Because of this- lack of awareness- most of the times, abnormal cycles become normal. And this acceptance leads a patient to many problems in future. The main thing with lack of awareness… Continue reading Are You Bleeding Normally
Ayurveda About Menstrual Cycle
Ayurveda is specific about the details with the menstruation. There are different words for the process of menstruation. Aartava is one of the most commonly used. But the text use – Rajah, Pushpa, Stri-Shukr etc. too. But here we don’t need to make it complicated. Because you need to know what is the definition of… Continue reading Ayurveda About Menstrual Cycle
Neurological Diseases beyond Vata Dosha
Vata dosha is responsible for coordination and control of movements, activities and also carries information “to and fro” inside the body. Therefore whenever we talk about the nervous system in Ayurveda, because of this correlation – Vata comes in mind. And same is applicable on treatment too. Moment we talk about treatment of nervous system… Continue reading Neurological Diseases beyond Vata Dosha