The Diseases of Urinary System in Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a different school of medicine. So this is just obvious that Ayurveda has some differences in thought process too. These differences are with approach towards diseases. Because the same difference makes ayurveda more practical. Ayurveda looks at the urinary diseases from a different perspective. The common in the two streams is- “wellness of… Continue reading The Diseases of Urinary System in Ayurveda
Process of Urine Formation in Ayurveda
Mutra is the main excretory product of the human body. According to Ayurveda, urine formation begins in the large intestines where the fluid collects into the Mutravaha strotas. Kidneys are the central organ of Medovah Strotas instead of Mutravaha strotas. For more clarity read- Kidneys: According to Ayurveda. Primary organs of Mutravaha strotas are urinary… Continue reading Process of Urine Formation in Ayurveda
Kidneys : According to Ayurveda
When you want to treat any pat or machine- it is important to understand the machine or part. Without understanding the normal structure-working or functions. It is not possible to understand the abnormality. When we claim or talk about kidney disease, we need to understand the normal kidneys. And that too from Ayurveda point of… Continue reading Kidneys : According to Ayurveda
Kunjal for Sinusitis: Should you do this?
This is an era of DIY. For older generation it is important to know DIY is- do it yourself. People keep on watching the videos on different platforms. And the 5-minute-hack invites everybody. People also try the same for the treatments. Because everybody wants to – solve their problems by themselves. People do it for… Continue reading Kunjal for Sinusitis: Should you do this?
How to Get RID of Side Effects of Steroids?
Are you falling prey to your treatment? Yes, you are- if you are taking steroids, blindly! This is something I am discussing here the steroids. But I am not supposed to defame these wonderful medicines, which prove life-saving in many of the conditions. But these medicines are problematic most of the time. And we need… Continue reading How to Get RID of Side Effects of Steroids?
All you need to know about Asthma
Asthma is common. But not commonly treatable. And there is a mesh of wrong information around asthma. Because every disease is a market and a way to earn money. Therefore these misinformations are never answered and we all keep on believing in them. Here we are talking about the five most common “myths” about Asthma,… Continue reading All you need to know about Asthma
It is Not Asthma Always
Perhaps after migraine, asthma is a the most common misdiagnosed condition. This is not just my clinical observation. Almost 1/3rd of asthma patients were misdiagnosed – as per a research study. There are certain reasons behind this condition. You need not to know in detail about the medical side. But being a patient you should… Continue reading It is Not Asthma Always
Cough is Not About Kapha Alone
For most of the people- cough and Kapha are one and same. But even who understands Kapha a bit, alaso thinks that cough is all about Kapha only. But both the things are not right. And because of this confusion, most of the times a simple cough turns to be a chronic cough. So let’s… Continue reading Cough is Not About Kapha Alone
Doshas involved in Allergy
We all know that Ayurveda is all about Doshas. Therefore it becomes important to know that how doshas involve in a disease. Only after knowledge about the doshas, we can understand the treatment of the condition. Allergy is always a very complicated condition. Hard to treat and really because allergy is hard to understand. When… Continue reading Doshas involved in Allergy
Allergy is not about Allergens
In clinical practice many times people come and tell – I am allergic to pollens. I am allergic to dust. And some will blame- curd or wheat for their allergies. I, as a clinician, always wonder- really- pollen, dust, curd and wheat are responsible for the allergic problems? I understand these are not behind the… Continue reading Allergy is not about Allergens