

Ashoka: Saraca asoca is the treatment of choice for all menstrual cycle related problems especially excessive bleeding during menstrual cycles.

Ashoka: itself means which alleviates all types of sorrows and menstrual disturbances are the greatest sorrow for a female. As Ashoka will minimize the blood loss during menstrual cycles; it will improve the nourishment level of the body; skin will be more youthful and glowing. It also acts as a natural anti dote for different toxicities.

Effect on Doshas:

Kapha Pitta shamak, hence useful in disorder induced by Kapha and Pitta.  

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Ashoka

Tikta, Kashaya Laghu, Ruksha SheetaKatu
  • It is specially used for menorrhagia so; Ashoka is called a friend of women. 
  • Bark has analgesic and antidotal properties. Hence its paste is used in pains and poising for local application.
  • It has a tranquilizing effect on the nerves there for used in painful Vata disorder. 
  • It has haemostatic, blood purifying and anti oedematous effects. Hence used in diseases of the blood and edema.
  • Decoction of the bark act as a tonic for the endometrium and many diseases of the uterus.
  • It is astringent, anthelmintic and anti dyspeptic properties so, it is useful in diarrhea, dysentery, helminthiasis and dipsia.   
Best Recommended Uses
It is specially indicated in conditions of excessive bleeding which includes excessive bleeding during menstrual cycles and bleeding hemorrhoids. 
Doses and Useful Parts
Dose for Ashoka bark Powder is 3-6 gm; for Capsules it is 2 Capsules;  while for decoction of Ashoka Bark the dose is 50 ml twice daily

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